Thursday, June 14, 2007

oops I messed up that last one. This could be my last post!

Well my posting days could be over after this. This blog stuff is kind of cool but not really for me. I mean who really cares what I say? Anyway about this baseball stuff, I wish sen. Mitchell would leave teh steroid thing alone and it would probably die. All we can do now is move on and see that we don't repeat our mistakes in the game of baseball again and hurt the fans even more. Why does he have to stick his head into baseball, like the senate doesn't have other things they can be worrying about. All we do now is learn from our history and not repeat it. Have tougher drug policies now and keep guys accountable from now on. Who cares who used steroids in the past. If you watched a few games a couple of years ago you could tell who was on it, if your not completely naive! Just look at the body changes. Bonds body changed in one off season which for him is only 4 and half months long. A normal human couldn't get that big in 4 months with out a little help! Not only that, he was 38 when his body made those changes, that ain't just protein drinks and good work ethic. But who knows? Lets just move on let him hit the HRs and lets turn the page and figure out how to keep it from happening again. I wish Selig would resign he is a clown! Get a new Commish, please!! I'm out. gillsville

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